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How can yoga help to manage your menopause symptoms?

Yoga, breath work and meditation can help manage the main causes of menopause symptoms. They compliment HRT and other medical approaches, but they can be used as an alternative if a woman has no other health issues.

Depending on the type of yoga practised, these techniques can be effective in managing:

- symptoms of stress and anxiety by; calming the nervous system and managing sleep disturbance and fatigue; restoring depleted energy; releasing anger and irritability; cooling hot flushes and soothing hot emotions. This helps women to feel more in control.

- weight gain, toning the body, increasing flexibility and mobility and mobility and supporting positive body image.

- risk of osteoporosis through weight-bearing yoga poses that also promote balance to prevent the likelihood of falls in older age.

- resistance to change - mindfulness and meditation encourage us to live in the present moment and observe our thoughts and physical sensations. They offer women a different perspective on the changes occurring in their bodies and minds, so that they feel less anxious and start to accept this as a natural transition in their lives.

Menopause Yoga encourages women to see menopause as a positive opportunity for self-study, self-awareness and self-care.

What is Menopause Yoga?

Menopause Yoga (MY) is both a therapeutic style of yoga designed to help women manage menopause symptoms and a positive empowering approach to this stage of life.

MY combines Western medical science and Eastern wellbeing practices to; educate women about menopause so they can make informed choices; give them a toolkit of techniques to help manage their main symptoms so that they feel empowered; give them the support and guidance to embrace the menopause as an opportunity for self-knowledge and growth.

MY is based on Hatha yoga but it also incorporates simple vinyasa flow movement, restorative yoga, yoga nidra and elements of yin yoga.

In a research study conducted in 2011 into the effectiveness of yoga in reducing menopausal symptoms, women were divided into a yoga group, who practised yoga postures, breath work and meditation under supervision for three months, and a non-yoga control group. Their symptoms were measured on day one and day 90 using the Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS) score.

The results showed that on day one the symptoms in both groups of women were similar, but on day 90 the yoga group showed a reduction in score on all the subscales, which was statistically significant. No significant difference was noted in the control group.

The researchers concluded that 'yoga is effective in reducing menopausal symptoms and should be considered as alternative therapy for the management of menopausal symptoms.'

Menopause Yoga creates safe and supportive spaces where women can share experiences, talk about taboos and enjoy the company of others at a similar stage of life.

Each practice involves simple yoga, breathing and meditation techniques that can be practised at home to help individuals manage their own symptoms as well as offering basic guidance on nutrition, natural remedies, complimentary therapies, HRT and signpost individuals to other sources of trusted professional help.

Listen to this podcast with Petra Coveney, Founder of Menopause Yoga – the UK’s first specialist style of yoga to support women going through the menopause. 

In this podcast, Dr Newson and Petra discuss: 

  • Petra’s own menopause journey,  

  • What inspired her to develop Menopause Yoga, 

  • Combining western medical science with eastern Indian Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, 

  • The Chinese concept of post menopause as a woman’s ‘Second Spring.’ 

  • How yoga, breathwork and meditation can support women to transition positively through menopause, 

  • How to reduce stress levels, master your hot flushes and change your perception of menopause. 

  • Why it is important to educate women about the menopause, to feel empowered and embrace post menopause. 

Petra Coveney’s Three Take Home Tips:

  1. Stressful thoughts exacerbate all menopause symptoms. Learn simple breathing exercises to calm your mind and tap into your parasympathetic nervous system that helps you to Rest & Digest. 

  2. Writing a daily journal will help you to release negative, stressful thoughts and recognise which foods, drinks, activities, thoughts, etc trigger your menopause symptoms. Every woman is unique. Gaining insights into your triggers will aid your self-growth. 

  3. Nourish & Nurture yourself. Eat well, Sleep well. Pamper yourself.  

What are the benefits of yoga during the menopause?

This podcast with Dr Louise Newson discusses the benefits of yoga during the perimenopause and menopause -

If you would like more information about menopause yoga and find out about future events and workshops please email me at or contact me on 07702898773.

Sarah x

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